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wheels on the bus

Wheels on the Bus by Raffi

RM 28.00

Board Book, 32 pages

Published January 20th 1998 by Knopf Books for Young Readers

Singing and reading to your child are considered two of the most vital ways parents can stimulate the development of a child's brain during the earliest years. Raffi's Songs to Read unites the rhythm, rhyme, and repetition that helps to lay the foundation for later speech, listening, and reading skills. With enchanting illustrations they create books that are natural bridges between music and reading.  - Goodreads

Raffi版本的Wheels on the Bus, 亮点是巴士上各式各样的乘客,生动的表情动作。你可以引导宝宝,留意他们的行动。其中一个吃着棒棒糖的小女孩,几乎贯穿所有的页面,她在做什么呢?留给你和孩子一起去发掘吧! - 亲子共读分享部落格,全文请看:

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